Integrative Biology A Symposium Honoring George A Bartholomew

Integrative Biology: A Symposium Honoring George A. Bartholomew

Symposium organized by Raymond B. Huey and Gretchen E. Hofmann

Society Wide Symposium


Rationale for the Symposium: Only a few short decades ago, the biological sciences were being torn by a widening schism between molecular vs. organismal biology. In recent years, however, many leading biologists have sought to unite these fields. Indeed, there is a growing recognition on both sides that we each have much to gain from working together. The resulting synthesis of these once-warring disciplines is emerging in the exciting new field of “integrative biology.” This symposium is designed to highlight exciting new directions in integrative biology.

The symposium showcases presentations by a distinguished group of young biologists – the first ten winners of the George A. Bartholomew Award. This award is given annually by SICB to a “Distinguished Young Investigator in Comparative Physiology, Comparative Biochemistry, or Related Fields of Functional Biology.” The recipients of this award have already established extraordinary careers in integrative biology.

The symposium also honors George A. Bartholomew. He is remembered for his insightful and lasting reviews that codified the conceptual and philosophical foundations of integrative biology, as well as for his many empirical papers – Bart did integrative biology before the term was invented. No less importantly, Bart is remembered for the number of students he mentored.


Time Author & title
8:40 – 8:45 Raymond B. Huey and Gretchen E. Hofmann: Introduction to the Bartholomew Award and Symposium
8:45 – 9:00 William R. Dawson: George A. Bartholomew’s contributions to Integrative Biology
9:00 – 9:20 Sönke Johnsen: Troubles in flashlight world: The effects of water turbidity and visual acuity on the success of counter illumination in deep-sea species
9:20 – 9:40 Gretchen E. Hofmann: Some like it hot, some like it cold: Hsp gene expression in ectothermic marine organisms
9:40 – 10:00 Michael H. Dickinson: The control and execution of rapid flight maneuver in fruit flies
10:00 – 10:20 BREAK
10:20 – 10:40 Kathleen M. Gilmour: Physiological causes and consequences of social status in rainbow trout
10:40 – 11:00 Stephen M. Secor: Evolutionary and proximate mechanisms of intestinal adaptation
11:00 – 11:20 Adam P. Summers: Felling trees with a sock full of custard? The evolution of durophagy in cartilaginous fishes
11:20 – 11:40 Peter C. Wainwright: Making diversity: the evolution of feeding mechanics in fishes
11:40 – 1:20 LUNCH
1:20 – 1:40 Tyrone B. Hayes: Evolutionary developmental endocrinology: evolution of mechanisms and mechanisms of evolution
1:40 – 2:00 Martin Wikelski: Migration ecology of New World Thrushes: energetics and orientation in the wild
2:00 – 2:20 Barbara A. Block: Hot tuna in cold seas: the ecological physiology and conservation of giant bluefin
2:20 – 2:35 George A. Bartholomew: Lessons from a career in integrative biology
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